Books by Colleen Adair Fliedner

In The Shadow of War: Spies, Love & the Lusitania
In 1915 while the First World War raged on in Europe, Americans, and especially New Yorkers, faced their own “silent war” at home. Disgruntled with America’s so-called promise of “neutrality” and overt trade deals with England and France, the German government set up a spy ring headquartered in Manhattan. Their espionage and terrorist networks had tentacles reaching all the way to the German Ambassador in Washington D.C. German operatives planted explosives on American and British cargo ships en route from New York to England, France, and Russia. They plotted to blow up trains, bridges, factories, and even the U.S. Capitol Building.
Preview of In The Shadow of War

Stories In Stone: Miners and Madams, Merchants and Murderers
Always curious about the past, Colleen spent a great deal of time in Park City, Utah, researching the lives of some of Park City's former residents. Using the headstones in the local cemeteries as a beginning point, she scraped away the layers of time to bring her readers more than 100 colorful stories about the miners, madams, merchants, and murderers who once resided in this famous mining town turned resort located in the beautiful mountains just outside of Salt Lake City.
Complete with photographs, maps and grave locations, STORIES IN STONE is the perfect guidebook for those who wish to take a self-guided tour into Park City's past.
Rancho Centennial: Ranchos Los Amigos Medical Center, 1888-1988
Since its humble beginnings in 1888, what began as a home for Southern California’s needy has evolved into world-renowned Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation Center. While most of the buildings from its early days are gone, a few have been preserved and are being used by the county for various services. Today, Rancho is still a place where miracles happen. Over the decades since its founding as the Los Angeles County Poor Farm, thousands of men, women, and children have been treated for severe traumatic maladies, such as head trauma, paralysis, and much more.
Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center (1888 – 1988) was a work-for-hire book written by Colleen over a several-year-period requiring over a hundred interviews and in-depth research on topics that had never before been written about. The book includes a plethora of detailed information about the desperate need for a poor farm, as well as the historical beginnings of physical and occupational therapy, social work, polio treatments, and countless breakthrough medical treatments by Rancho’s physicians.
Rancho Los Amigos’ Centennial history book is still used as a research volume for students in numerous universities, including USC.
Quick Escapes from Orange County​: The Best Weekend Getaways
We’ve done the planning. You do the packing.
Quick Escapes From Orange County takes the work out of trip planning and features easy-to-follow, carefully planned itineraries for 36- to 48-hour getaways from the metropolitan area.
When you only have a few days to get away, why spend half your time preparing? Quick Escapes® From Orange County frees you from the details and puts you on the road to an enjoyable time away from home. Inside you’ll find eighteen quick getaways within driving distance of the Orange County metro area. With this guide, you’ll find enough variety to suit every budget and taste.